Monterey County Eye Associates

Retinal Conditions that Affect Peripheral Vision

May 2, 2021 @ 11:55 AM — by Monterey County Eye Associates
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Your peripheral vision refers to your ability to perceive images on the outer edges of your field of vision. It’s what allows you to focus straight ahead, yet perceive objects such as cars approaching next to you in other traffic lanes and react in a timely way.

Loss of peripheral vision is sometimes referred to as “tunnel vision.” Tunnel vision can be directly linked to damage that requires retinal care. Advanced retinal care at Monterey County Eye Associates can help to restore peripheral vision or preserve what is left of your field of vision.

At Monterey County Eye Associates serving Monterey, Salinas, and King City, CA, Dr. Piero and Dr. Rosenblum practice state-of-the-art eye treatment and surgery for virtually any eye problem you or a loved one may be suffering from. Monterey Eye Care Center values clear and kind communication. Our staff is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Let's take a closer look at retinal conditions that affect peripheral vision.

Not all peripheral vision loss is due to conditions that are strictly retinal. For example, glaucoma is not a retinal condition, but it commonly affects peripheral vision. The condition can harm the optic nerve, ultimately compromising peripheral vision in a way that cannot be restored. Early detection and control is the key to preserving your vision.

About the Retina

The retina is the light-sensitive layer in the back of the eye. It converts light into nerve impulses and relays this message to the brain, which produces sight.

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa is a hereditary condition that affects retinal tissue. It can affect one or both eyes. In addition to affecting peripheral vision, night vision and central vision are also affected.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes can cause blood vessels to leak into the retina. This complication can result in central vision loss as well as peripheral vision loss.

Detached Retina

Retinal detachment is when the retina separates from the back supportive tissue, which is composed of a layer of blood vessels. This layer of blood vessels normally nourishes the retina and plays a crucial role in maintaining your vision.

Without sustenance and support, the retina does not function adequately. This dysfunction can lead to a variety of vision symptoms, including the “curtain effect.” If the area of detachment is closer to the outer edges of the retina, then the visual loss may look like a curtain is being drawn over one side of the visual field. 

A detached retina is considered an emergency. Visit Monterey Eye Care as soon as possible if you believe that your retina is detached. With urgent care from one of our highly qualified surgeons, this issue is treatable. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you are experiencing any changes in your vision, from a loss of peripheral vision to a sudden onset of flashes and floaters, it’s time to reach out to a doctor who can provide the care you need. Our practice is focused on helping you maintain your vision, and we have the technology and services to help you protect your ability to see the world around you.

Call (831) 424-1150 or contact us online at Monterey County Eye Associates to schedule a consultation. Monterey County Eye Associates accepts nearly all health insurance and most major credit cards.